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Monday, August 19, 2024

The Army has a history of big ideas that accomplished nothing apart from wasting money, having endless meetings, endless powerpoint where the sub-text was always "what I'm working on is revolutionary and will ensure the defense of the nation for 100s of years but it is going to cost and the cost will always go up because we are this close to the solution"...

 IVAS is one of those and it looks it's a goner. The Army's great project has been to try to find a way to turn one soldier into a squad, one squad into a platoon etc. It ain't working. It's "on the ropes" and it makes me happy. The Army has to take a hard look at itself and admit that recruitment is down for a reason and the druggies and HS Dropout they sign up are not up to the job. They can't solve that problem, they can't beat inflation, they can't win on retention and living conditions and they can't win with a headset that makes people sick. 


Looking at modernization today, “specifically, we've already walked away from ERCA, FARA, which was promoted as the Army's number one priority — the aircraft has been gutted. That's gone.” Additionally, the Integrated Visual Augmentation System program “is on the ropes,” as are “many other items. So, where do we end up with this?”


Monday, May 20, 2024

Dr. Fan liked this post. Is he now persona non grata at Kopin? I think so, ironic.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Anybody who paid attention could see this coming. And course as fate would have it the High-End NVG Biz goes to Elbit and the Fraudsters in EF. You Kopin guys can call it IVAS-Never. Still causes nausea, eye strain, unreliable in delivering data, could not overcome the tyranny of distance on and on. Army doing what it does best selling BS to dummies in Congress at our expense.

The much-hyped IVAS goggles were supposed to revolutionize the way soldiers train, operate, and receive information on the battlefield.

They feature a mixed reality heads-up display that integrates next-generation situational awareness tools to aid in decision-making and targeting.

However, the multibillion-dollar program has been on a rocky path as soldiers complained of experiencing discomfort after less than three hours of using the goggles.

Among the “mission-affecting” physical impairments caused by the IVAS are headaches, nausea, and eye strain.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Abrams is in Re-Design because it's a lumbering mess that requires eight hours of Maintenance after one Hour of use. "War is a racket". Don't hold you breath on this one.

This flailing on "IVAS Now", "Oakleys" is embarrassing.

This is so old this Shneider BS. The world has passed them by.

Not the US DoD, a NATO Friendly Country is not in NATO. You think you're selling to Ukraine? LOL Sounding desperate here describing their Thermal Overlay as if they invented it.

Wow, Day-Night. And it's an add-on Module so its crap for the Baltic States. And tunnels in Gaza. The IDF doesn't have any Elbit NVGs at all! BS!

And it's fair to assume they are not interested in partnering with a company that has a "Blue Radios" reputation clinging to it. My "Black Pill" on eMagin is that the "Sino/Russo" BS in Hong Kong gave the Agencies Just Cause to approve the Hostile Takeover. The timing was exquisite.

Part of the "Samsung Sellout" was the Army's desire to not hang a important Program like IVAS on a Company on shaky Financial Ground. Kopin's attempt to wedge their way into IVAS at SOFIC is an act of desperation. See if you can find any discussion of Kopin at SOFIC. And go get a Skyhook while you're at it.

"I just heard IVAS". I just heard desperation.

Value to Society! what a bunch of Horse Shit

innovations that enable the market and return value to our customers, society, and internal and external stakeholders.”

In retrospect the only decent thing eMagin did was not play the War-Profiteer Card.

A Zero Impact Player in the MIC is praying for more blood. Vile.

“The global landscape suggests aggressive tensions are increasing around the world and defense affairs are becoming more dynamic. We believe Kopin is well positioned to deliver to our soldiers and allies the defense systems they need and the innovations that enable the market and return value to our customers, society, and internal and external stakeholders.”

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