eMagin: Once Burned Twice Shy
Friday, March 28, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The usual Kopin Pre-Earnings PR. No amount given. So much Pentagon jargon in the release. But the operative word is "prototype" which means it may happen but probably won't. The problems are insuperable so the Defenseone article below resorts to a "Radio". All the protos are too heavy, too power hungry and too complex to ever make it to the field. Baffle them with bullshit is the operative. And they Defenseone mentions used for "Command and Control" as Luckey did which means small numbers when describing Anduril's goal for IVAS.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
The Incredible Shrinking Pentagon
8% a year over 5 years. The US is pulling in its horns.
We will stop Arming Taiwan.
Europe has to look elsewhere for their defense. Try looking in the mirror.
No longer able to finance the Pentagon's Science Projects
Musk hates the F-35
Monroe Doctrine and Frederick Jackson Turner and Manifest Destiny ruling the day.
What good is IVAS if its goal is to fight a Land War in Eastern Europe with Normalization of Relations with the Big Bad Russians in progress.
Peace Dividend coheres perfectly with the Administrations Goal of shrinking the Federal Bureaucracy
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
OLEDWorks just signed a deal with JDI to make OLED displays in the States and yes they are planning to make OLED Microdisplays for Defense based on receiving $8 Million last year from the DoD for same. So that will be two Domestic Sources, Samsung/eMagin and JDI/OLEDWorks. I imagine this explains Kopin frantic effort, I consider $200k+ spent Lobbying in 2024 by a small company to gain funds from the Gov for a Production Line as frantic, dicey in the Age of Doge.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Luckey in his chit-chat with Shawn Ryan made it seem like a slam dunk. In his Interview this morning on Fox he mentioned IVAS' use in Command and Control and that Anduril is "trying to build" IVAS now. Somebody told him to tamp down the rhetoric. Don't write a check with your mouth that you might not b able to cash. Somebody should tell Murray to tone it down as he is danger of doing the same.
Straight from the horses mouth at Quantico where they developed the new Stinger. it's an eMagin display with a kopin optical assembly. The reason they are lobbying so hard for money to build a new line for their business is that is that they procure displays from Samsung/eMagin. Ask yourself why would the Government pay for a new line when they have a dependable one from a company with all the money in the world? They are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Same is true for the F-35 Japan and elsewhere.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Luckey went full sky dancing tube man with the largest American Flag in the county with balloons and free hot dogs to the first 100 visitors in his Used Car Salesman schtick.Never mentioned the endemic problems that killed IVAS 1.0. You will escape drones! Hypersonics! You'll shoot and never miss! You are a Digital Audie Murphy! Sargent York! But Luckey will it make you barf and alter brain activity? Umm...no comment. He talks like War is a Video Game where you can respawn. It really helped that Ryan didn't know jack shit about Land Warrior, Ironman etc. He had stars in his eyes...
Do you think Anduril's IVAS Display is LCD?
Do you think they are using a Display Made in China?
Do you think a small "defense" company would spend $220k Lobbying Congress in 2024 for $$$ for a New Production line if Kopin could already produce them?
We know how long it takes to set up a new line, we learned the hard way. If this thing ever finds it way into a Combat Zone it will be years away and when it finally does it will be obsolete. In fact it already is.
Friday, February 14, 2025
This is interesting. Kopin says that they have the display that "improves" response time implying that Kopin possesses the tech that provides a solution to Vergence Accommodation. This is the Hill that IVAS and Kopin will die on. They say in other places that the display will able to "lessen" the effects of the mismatching of Visual Cues which invariably result in headache and nausea. Think of watching a small Picture-in-a-Picture with one eye while trying to watch the larger image with the other. The giveaway is the "to me" in the paragraph below. He doesn't know. "To me" is a snow job. "Improvements to be made" is another way of saying there will be less nausea and less headaches. Unless the device is plug and play for any soldier with zero ill effects it will never fly. What you're seeing with IVAS is Luckey selling and now Murray selling hard a concept which would require years and many millions of dollars to get through the initial Testing and Evaluation. Not a pretty picture in the Age of DOGE. Remember when we were kids and and you first pushed a pencil towards the bridge of your nose and the queasiness that resulted. That's your brain trying to cope with the mismatching visual cues. Now imagine that feeling doesn't go away but intensifies in a life or death situation.
Michael Murray, CEO of Massachusetts-based microdisplay manufacturer Kopin — which has expressed interest in competing for IVAS Next — said the current version of IVAS “has a type of optic in it and a waveguide in it that, to me, doesn’t suit the warfighter. And I think there are improvements that can be made in its response time to stimuli.”
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Luckey was the first to attempt a VR Squad Trainer and nausea killed the Program. I wonder what he thinks his breakthrough "fix" is now for Simulator Sickness. Should have been cancelled in 2002. New regime at the Pentagon will not buy hype."A possible reason for the delay emerged in 2022 with the leak of a report that found soldiers wearing the modified HoloLenses suffered "mission-affecting physical impairments" including headaches, eyestrain, and nausea. The Army understandably asked Microsoft to revisit its designs"
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Nice try Stoppedout. You become more like your MVIS buddies every day. Do you think there could be a clue in Luckey's Tweet that "your mind will detonate"? More than likely it's a drone that can locate and DETONATE Land Mines and who knows maybe Sea Mines remotely. That would actually be a boon to mankind where limbs of children are blown off daily in Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan etc.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Ah, its all turning out to be crap Sheltered Wings and Vortex looks vulnerable to cuts. Could be back to basic Iron Sights. Looking for all these "promos" for "Advanced Systems" to be disinfected by sunlight. Its a racket.
The dour XM157 assessment emerged as part of a classified combined operational demonstration and limited lethality assessment report in May, according to the DOT&E assessment. Ironically, that report was apparently authored shortly after the Army released video of a noncommissioned officer with the 101st Airborne Division praising the advanced optic following a month of testing -- praise the NCO himself later claimed was the "one nice thing" he had to say about the XM157 after 10 minutes critiquing the system.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Inside West Point: The Future of Technology in Warfare with Mr. Elon Musk: 2supid and porter and zielier bros are still fighting over IVAS. It is becoming more and more evident that as far a military application it will never be useful in a Combat Zone. AI and Drones will replace the Bullet Catchers at the front. ENVG-B is useful now as shown in Ukraine but its days are numbered as well. When Programs are Audited apart from Entitlements the Defense Department will be found to be champion of Waste, Fraud and Abuse. If Microvision, Vuzix and Kopin are selling building their future on Military Business they have no future. BTW how's Vision Pro doing? Near-to-eye is dead and IA and Robots killed it. Enders Game came much faster than anyone other than Musk anticipated.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Kopin Fact Check for the Day
Kopin was an Exhibitor at SPIE. They had a Booth. Presentations are Technical White Papers not Company Specific.
Stop using Legacy Kopin White Phosphor NVGs which contributed to the crash. Poor Depth Perception, narrow FOV and every light is white with bloom and subject to the notorious "Green Glow".
Thursday, January 30, 2025
NATO Spokesman.
Funny that this is coming now as the new Administration and their desire for transparency is kicking in. Why wasn't this released to the Public when the Document was issued in 2020? I knew then apart from all the "claims" about IVAS and what the device could "accomplish" there was a Poisoned Chalice waiting for anyone who used it. But keep pumping it IVAS pumpers, Porter, Stoppedout and Zielier...If this was widely known at the time and I was the only one saying it after what I learned at the last Pre-Covid AUSA the Program would have ended then. The White Paper mentions David Marra (Head of Mixed Reality at Palantir and now at Rivet) as well who said on "X" that Kopin never had anything to do with IVAS.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Maybe an Editor would help. COMPETING not COMPLETING. Here's the Money Shot Palantir "also eyeing a bid".
1 day ago
Massachusetts-based Kopin has also said it's interested in completing, while companies like Palantir may also be eyeing a bid.
This "News" was borne out of an article by Ashley Roque who wrote that both Palantir and Kopin are interested in working "on" not "with" each other on IVAS 1.2. The article mentions the difficulty the Army is having with Nausea, Motion Sickness etc. Microsoft is still in the mix as is Elbit. You'll make money selling the Rumor but that's all it is. I still predict IVAS is years out because NOBODY has a solution for Vergence Accommodation.
There are some out there that think it's a solvable problem. It ain't.
Vergence-accommodation conflict, also known as accommodation-vergence conflict, is a visual phenomenon that occurs when the brain receives mismatching cues between vergence and accommodation of the eye.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
With the reports that ENVG-B is distinguishing itself in Ukraine (who knows if it's true.There is a Ghost of Kiev vibe about the Reports) . Be that as it may if that device's reputation is on the ascendency it will be more difficult to claim that IVAS Next or whatever they calling it today is the breakthrough that Anduril or the Powerpoint Brigade at the Pentagon says it will be. The shift is to Drones and Hypersonics and the new Regime could say that ENVG-B thing is good enough for Government work. But as always the pumpers grasp at generalities have no idea how these decisions are arrived at. I knew 2 years ago that ENVG-B was a Plus Up and favored to dominate Night Vision but water under the bridge. Good luck to what's left of the IVAS Pumpers on Message Boards. As time goes by it becomes more apparent that the "stolen" Transshipped emagin displays was a set-up so the Government could strong arm the Sale to Samsung. My hope is that somebody takes a flame-thrower to the procurement process and makes the Pentagon about Defense instead of making the Big Five + Elbit rich.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
stoppedout learned well from the MVIS is IVAS Liars. They made up stories usually starting from overseas somewhere like it was "Inside" Info. Nothing new in that BS from Japan he posted.Would not put it past the zie-liars to cook it up. He is not a credible source nor is the "article" he posted on stocktwits...
IVAS' extremely long and complex development cycle will be its undoing. And the basic problem with Brain Physiology has yet to be overcome coupled with the How-To of integrating AI in to the device is just now being discussed. IVAS IS Land Warrior 2.0
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
No Operational Testing and decision on whether to proceed until late next year. At this point Kopin has zero to do with IVAS except for the Zielier Bros lies. IVAS is looking like a pig for the slaughter from here. Drones are making IVAS superfluous as offering no Tactical advantages. Picture yourself at the Front as 100s of Armed Drones, no heat signature, no lights, latency in your headset too slow to capture the threat level, approach your position. In today's parlance "You're Cooked".
Friday, December 13, 2024
They are breaking it to them gently. If not cancelled in it's entirety you are looking at more delays, smaller numbers and more accountability for Stakeholders re the F-35 Money Pit. What's up Zielier not interested. I see Murray is suddenly talking "Drones" employing the old "Fan pumping he new thing" thing. What would Kopin offer to a Drone program exactly?
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
You'll have to decide if the New DoD will be Soldier-Centric, emphasizing their Traditional Ethos and build up the Force through Manpower, Recruitment and Discipline or continue down the road of a "Touchy Feely" Army that is probably more weak than it appears. Regardless if Hesgeth is Confirmed the new SECDEF will jettison all that. Plus Bureaucrats in DC are calling the New Administration the DOGE Administration while trembling in their Birkenstocks, blowtorch coming to the Pentagon.You cannot fail 7 Audits and feel good about your future inside the Rings.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Signs of panic at the Pentagon. They are rolling out Flying Aces to defend the F-35 Program. Mr. Musk and his DOGE Commission seems to have it out for the Program citing Waste, Downtime, diminishing Strategic Advantage versus Drones. As the Defense Department looks to be Siliconed Vallyed, Robotics, AI, Autonomous Vehicles (including Fighter Jets) and other advances will inevitably reduce the role of Humans in the Kill Chain. This will include IVAS as well. No more "Spam in a can" is the goal...Could be a Buggy-Whip situation unfolding.
Watch Palantir to see how it progresses if it does. Palmer Luckey touting IVAS and Lattice looks like he is trying to re-capture his Oculus "Eureka" Moment. "Power Point Commandos" at the Pentagon are readying Bleeding Edge Power Points to justify their existence.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
You can count on fundamental change at the Defense Department. It will have a new governing philosophy that emphasizes National Defense, less Adventurism abroad and accountability for Program Costs. First shot across the bow this morning was from Ro Khanna, Budget Committee, a Common Sense Democrat citing the F-35 Cost overruns as needing scrutiny. You can also look at other programs and see how vulnerable they are to Musk's DOGE Axe and the Brief he'll been given.If you don't think IVAS will fall under the same spotlight think again. The Hats at the Pentagon will be shitting bricks until January 20th as well as Lobbyists from Raytheon, GD and Lockheed. The Waste, Fraud and Abuse Merry-Go-Round will not stop it will slow down. The "Cover Your Ass" Lalapalooza begins today.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Something to think about for the New Wave IVAS enthusiasts.
Not only echoes of eMagin who if it succeeds, which is very much an open question, will be the display that finds its way into the device but echoes of MVIS who were never in it and managed to keep the lie alive long enough to swindle the gullible.
IVAS has a number of problems which continue to vex the Program, the problems of Physics vs.The Brain,a real use case and a potential Administration's overhaul of DoD spending are beginning to haunt the Rings of the Pentagon. It is looking likely that there are big changes coming if the election trends continue.
There will be an attempt to implement a Fortress America Defense Department that is about defending the Homeland i.e. a grand Star Wars II that will be an Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense System, a new relationship with Russia that ease tensions and they stop the Anti-Russian brain-washing that goes on at Fort Liberty and West Point that provides the fuel for endless Defense Spending. Bases will be closed and a sincere desire to not have Weaponry as a principal US Export Market. A return to Soldier-Centric Philosophy and pulling in its horns as to Overseas Adventurism which will seek to build a strong Mission-Oriented Force based upon real Manpower not some Bullshit Power-Point fueled Ironman dream.
Part of that will involve taking a hard look at the Defense Department Budget and the Waste,Fraud and Abuse that's been it's life-blood for the last 50 years.
The Army has put off committing to the Program until at least next year and there's a good chance they are going to decide that IVAS is just a really cool idea with zero Strategic or Tactical Merit. The days of throwing money at Novel Ideas will end as they should.
And one more thing. A serious company does not advertise their Meetings with Anduril or others in a Public Presentation.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
How exactly does Kopin benefit from this? It was never MVIS or Kopin. Zielier is the lonely Bald Man fighting over a comb...
$KOPN let the trolls who pushed the Hololens agenda come at us now...
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
From Fudzilla. Palmer Lucky will fix IVAS. No he won't. This is a desperate attempt to salvage the Department of Defense latest boondoggle. I'm as guilty as anyone throwing chum in the water hoping to catch this fish. In my defense I saw the error of my ways too late. MVIS pumpers stole investors money with their persistent lies. Don't let the Kopin liars do the same.
This story is too kind to liars at DoD.
Friday, September 13, 2024
The Usual Suspects are pumping IVAS-Next as a viable pathway for growth. It is not. Kopin is doing the carrot & stick tactic that the crooks in EF did to keep us snugly on the hook. Next year the Army will decide!. And the year after that, Next year the Army will decide! And so and so on. In the US Government Hall of Shame of Waste, Fraud and Abuse #1 practitioner has their own building called the Pentagon
Monday, August 19, 2024
The Army has a history of big ideas that accomplished nothing apart from wasting money, having endless meetings, endless powerpoint where the sub-text was always "what I'm working on is revolutionary and will ensure the defense of the nation for 100s of years but it is going to cost and the cost will always go up because we are this close to the solution"...
IVAS is one of those and it looks it's a goner. The Army's great project has been to try to find a way to turn one soldier into a squad, one squad into a platoon etc. It ain't working. It's "on the ropes" and it makes me happy. The Army has to take a hard look at itself and admit that recruitment is down for a reason and the druggies and HS Dropout they sign up are not up to the job. They can't solve that problem, they can't beat inflation, they can't win on retention and living conditions and they can't win with a headset that makes people sick.
Looking at modernization today, “specifically, we've already walked away from ERCA, FARA, which was promoted as the Army's number one priority — the aircraft has been gutted. That's gone.” Additionally, the Integrated Visual Augmentation System program “is on the ropes,” as are “many other items. So, where do we end up with this?”