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Monday, June 24, 2019

100%, the totality of everything there is too know about this damn company. On our best day we know about 7%, 10% percent maybe. It's maddening. I'm hoping the race is worth the candle but damn. What did Maguire always say

"The future is bright but it's always the future". Sculley's closing remarks always "Bright future." The new tagline is "Exciting, very exciting."  I can buy MW's idea about , whomever, Wall Street, a rival, the Boogeyman keeping the interest at zero in the stock. That doesn't prevent anybody who might dig into it and might find something provocative in the story but here we are. .45 cents, 4.5 cents pre-split. It's an unfunny joke. Really, I bridle when someday says the Board should be ashamed but I'll say it. The Board should be ashamed. Crying in my beer. We'll pick it up again tomorrow, chained to our oars. "Boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." Shit.

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