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Thursday, June 20, 2019

One Big Valentine to ENVG-B & Down the Road IVAS. "Picks & Shovels"? eMagin displays make these devices possible and usable.

That's a fair point about the Military possibly checking eMagin on the Consumer side because of commitments to the Dept of Defense. Lucas spoke words to this effect on the recent CC that the military is served first. The evolving Tactical philosophy of US Land Forces is not only owning the night but owning the subterranean. China, North Korea and Russia all have vast underground networks that in most cases look impenetrable from the ability to quickly pump air out of the tunnel to the ability to pump poison into the tunnel. Remember the siege in Moscow? Machine guns strategically placed in redoubts present tactical nightmares. Tunnels are built like mazes with dead ends and traps. Sealing the bunkers looks like the easy answer rather than venturing in but that didn't work on Iwo Jima or Tora Bora did it?
Rambling here, "owning the tunnel" or "owning the night" the US needs these NV devices so they are first in line. We shareholders have shared that burden in a small way. We need that doggone DPA capital. We need a vote of confidence from our premier customer.


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