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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sorry I missed this yesterday. Anybody catch it...COVEMAN? Arena has been an eMagin consultant for 2015. Just like Sculley this was interesting because of the company Christine Pompa was keeping.

Both Listen Tech and SONOS sell hardware to consumers. Listen is a hearing assist and hearing location, translation etc company. Sonos is a sound system that aggregates Music Services for in-home digital music, podcasts, I-Heart Radio those sorts of things. So what was eMagin doing there? Ms. Pompa is head of Quality Assurance at eMagin and just my sense this did not seem the like the panel to talk about highly technical topics or Enhanced Night Vision, IVAS or the F-35. Because our stock in trade is frequently speculation, could eMagin be sitting on a consumer product that could deliver video to where you and your phone are at any given time or something similar?  Just wondering. Some synergy there possibly as technology seeks to provide a more comprehensive content answer in the drive to mobility.
Maybe the Webinar it will show in their Archive at some point.


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