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Monday, June 24, 2019

The discussion with Tony Peters re Hololens 2 Optics Deficiencies is really interesting. The way they tap danced around potential solutions. LBS, No, LCOS, No, Microled, maybe, not for a long time. Oh and by the way Apple is probably coming out with a Mixed Reality Headset maybe next year. So What's Left? They never get around to it.

At SID-MAC 2 years ago:

As a conclusion, Dr. Donoghue said, “This technology will propel VR/AR wearables technology to new heights.”  This is especially true for see-through AR because VR applications rarely need brightness levels beyond what can be achieved by eMagin’s color-by-white OLED microdisplays. Since this development work was done on standard WUXGA backplanes on standard 8” wafers, it should not take much to implement these designs in products for the US Army. Cost is not a major problem to the Army, but eMagin wants to expand its market into civilian applications (See eMagin Develops Night Vision Systems in this issue). For consumer applications such as these night vision systems, cost is a much more serious issue. – Matthew Brennesholtz



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