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Thursday, June 6, 2019

This is the Vision that Elbit (Ironvision) laid out at the AUSA Meeting in Huntsville in March. The "cone of impunity" relies on Armor to centralize decision using drones (Elbit's particular skill) to surveil the cone, collect data & network with other domains to respond. Ironvision on the Ground and the F-35 in the air become the "railheads" of Multi-Domain Warfare. IVAS, ENVG-B, Javelin will be the feelers that collect the data that will enable the most effective response...

Their work has led to what is called a “cone of impunity,” in which small teams are enabled to move freely.
They do that by having missile fires, close-air support and layers of defense that include shoulder-fired weapons to take out big things like tanks and aircraft, he said.
He would also add swarms of drones to create a protective bubble. That’s all to ensure that those small units are not able to be surprised.
His remarks were a kind of preview of a larger piece he said would be publicized in November as part of the work of the task force.
The task force has helped prioritize funding for the close combat 100,000 – infantry, special operations, scouts and combat engineers – who do most of the fighting, killing and dying but receive a fraction of the overall defense budget.
Some of the early priorities include new night-vision devices, accelerated development on a next generation rifle and machine gun and a futuristic Integrated Visual Augmentation System, or IVAS, that would put night, thermal, wayfinding and targeting into one device that could also share data across the squad and up the echelons.

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