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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

If the geniuses in Silicon Valley could move as fast as these guys a lot of your Consumer Qs would be answered by now. Ok, I've heard fully fielded by 2025 which means total replacement of ENVG-B. According to Program Manager Final Testing in 2020, fully fielded 2021. Uh-oh, our old friend Rosy Scenario. We'll see.

Side-note, like the F-35 software can be updated daily as needed.

Soldiers and researchers comment weekly via surveys so the feedback loop is continuous with tweaked devices rotating into the field. Changes can happen daily on the software, Schneider said.
IVAS is scheduled to be fielded across the force in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021. In the meantime, the team has three more capability sets to complete in October, November, and July 2020, the last of which will feature the device in its final form. Schneider said he hopes to have the combat-ready version by the end of next year before heading into operational testing.

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