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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Former head of Soldiers, Sensors & Lasers is the New Program Manager for IVAS. Headed to Austin. If he shook up things at Ft. Belvoir maybe IVAS needs it or more likely he was in perfect position to take this on. I think the position was posted a couple of weeks ago so he was the obvious choice. Moving fast. Let's see if we get a hint from JL today.

This change and high visibility stems from the introduction of Army Futures Command (AFC) and its Soldier Lethality Cross Functional Team (SL-CFT) that shook up PM SSL with many organizational changes last year. Col. Christopher Schneider, the outgoing Project Manager for PM SSL, found out abruptly that he would be redirected to the newly created Program Manager for Integrated Visual Augmentation System (PM IVAS). His transition left PM SSL with an acting project manager for nearly a year. Despite this fluctuation in leadership, SSL adapted and the strength of the organization shined through and the team continued to effectively carry out their mission.


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