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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Rapid Target Acquisition is soon to be more sophisticated than we suspected. The System in process can detect when "glass" i.e. the enemy's optic is sighted on the individual soldier, amazing. Both the Family of Weapons Sights (Individual) & Enhanced Night Goggles house eMagin displays.

“Pre-shot detection.” This, according to Army weapons developers, can use soldier-worn laser technologies designed to detect enemy weapons “before” they are fired.
“It (a laser system) detects glass looking at you, so if there is some type of optic, it sees right away and lets you know someone is looking at you through glass. You can see that guy and engage before you pull the trigger. Shot threat detection give you the azimuth. You see that guy and engage before you pull the trigger,” Bridgett Siter, Communications Director,Soldier Lethality CFT, told Warrior in an interview.

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