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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Three events conspired to have me consigned to the Devils Treadmill here. I heard a presentation by Darrel Hopper Head of Engineering at AFRL (first used AMOLED in testing for same), I ran into a engineer from General Dynamics who was working on the attempt to get Land Warrior right (failed attempt, now called ENVG-B) and around that time eMagin brought on Doug Hughes, Commander (USN-Ret, who dealt with Green Glow first hand) of the Naval Base at Hickham-Pearl Harbor. So simpleton thought, Air, Land, Sea, this is fated to succeed. However, physics, the military, eMagin, they do not care about my feelings.

So enduring this decade long gestational process has been difficult but like I said, pretty sure, the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train.

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