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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bueno, you can boil it down to SWAP and Ruggedness always been the case. "Essentially all" includes Kopin phase out in Programs of Record so soon "all". Page 2 describes the smaller, lighter targeting system Elbit just announced The one Raanan mentioned at AUSA

Another POR and the reason JETS saw it's budget cut. I see IVAS there and I have no doubt the Glasses will be fielded someday but they sure were not in the Budget. Could be in the dark or the always handy OTAs which the Army has pretty much made their personal Piggybank. Good to see "essentially all" in an Official Document. That's 95% now and 100% in the future. Good stuff in there. Thank you Mr. Long


Weapons. Some funding will go towards integration of more robust and less power micro Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays (OLEDs) that are used on essentially all Soldier Sensors and Lasers programs.


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