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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My mistake here's the Bill as Signed, Again if serving a Life Sentence see if you can find anything on DPA Funding, AFRL, or IBAS. Good Luck. Pulled these out as at least tangentially germane.It's in there somewhere unless it's AF Dark Money. If you find it it likely won't cite hard dollars. Cross Section 4201 only categorizes General Topics. Could be Soldier Systems, Weapons and Munitions etc. We've come a long way from "Grab your Flintlock and meet on Concord Green".

Sec. 224. Requiring defense microelectronics products and services meet trusted supply chain and operational security standards.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2020 for the use of the Department of Defense for research, development, test, and evaluation, as specified in the funding table in section 4201.
Subtitle BProgram Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

SEC. 224.
(a) PURCHASES.To protect the United States from intellectual property theft and to ensure national security and public safety in the application of new generations of wireless network technology and microelectronics, beginning no later than January 1, 2023, the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that each microelectronics product or service that the Department of Defense purchases on or after such date meets the applicable trusted supply chain and operational security standards established pursuant to subsection (b), except in a case in which the Department seeks to purchase a microelectronics product or service but (1) no such product or service is available for purchase that meets such standards; or (2) no such product or service is available for purchase that (A) meets such standards; and (B) is available at a price that the Secretary does not consider prohibitively expensive. (b) TRUSTED SUPPLY CHAIN AND OPERATIONAL SECURITY STAND-ARDS.

S. 179071
and appropriate, within the Secretarys authorized activities to maintain the health of the defense industrial base, to ensure that
(1) providers of microelectronics products and services that meet the standards established under subsection (b) are exposed to competitive market pressures to achieve competitive pricing and sustained innovation; and (2) the industrial base of microelectronics products and services that meet the standards established under subsection (b) includes providers manufacturing in the United States or in countries that are allies or partners of the United States.

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