Attempt at an Oculus Rift Tent Revival on Campus seems to make few Converts. I forget how many individuals "invested" in the success of this device thru the Kickstarter thing thereby ensuring a Amway, Juice Plus type Multi-Level Marketing campaign. That's why you see so many Oculus Rift "Will Change The World" Stories from these Techo-Geeks. There was a story yesterday on the effectiveness of PTSD Exposure Therapy (Virtual Afghanistan) using a Head Mounted Display in which the writer says "that the treatment will be that much better when clinicians stop using the "primitive" eMagin Z800 and use the Rift instead. It's a cult.
From the Tent Revival:
Impressions: A lot of people seemed to really enjoy it,
smiling and talking to friends while they fully explored the RedFrame
area and looked at lots of things. I didn't get a whole lot of verbal
feedback as each person was quick to hand off to the next person and
then wander off. One person had a bit of VR sickness, and a few people
said it looked a little blurry, which might be because of the fixed IPD
setting and A cups. One person had a small head so it didn't quite fit
snugly. One student talked to me about some ideas for hand/finger
tracking, a few asked about cost, one asked when there will be a dev kit
for Crystal Cove, one asked about 360 video (and porn), and I talked to
one about how and why they're planning to use OLED screens. When I
asked one student if they saw motion blur during head movement, they
said "a little." Finally one person who already tried the demo sat
casually next to the demo station and tried out the demo again while
talking to a friend.
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