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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Wonder if "5 Rules for 5G" will tackle any of these issues e.g. It seems we are in the process of choosing up sides. How does any small Tech company with interests in both straddle these competing interests. Tough one. Is that why Jill was so worried about this heightening tension after Trump's election?

There is no clear end-game for the 5G issue, as both Beijing and Washington posture for the “hearts and minds” – or telecoms networks – of states. What is obvious is that the 5G issue is no mere technical or security problem, but one that has vast implications for the U.S.-China modus vivendi from the economic and political perspectives.
After all, the stage is set for 5G to become a proxy battlefield for global technological, economic and (eventually) military supremacy – and one that peripheral countries must carefully manage to avoid becoming collateral damage in the great power rivalry that is heating up.

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