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Friday, June 28, 2019

Even I see this as a plus as he was addressing a Consumer/Enterprise project and not a largely Military one. A lot of "Enterprise companies" which brings me to this Microsoft Job Opening...

It looks like Microsoft seeks to develop Hololens sort of in parallel with IVAS. The sort of deal eMagin had developing the High Brightness with NAVAIR. "Use what you want but we want our device to do all these things." Take a look at the IVAS plan and see how much complexity is there. Any of those goals could have an enterprise application except for the application of force.
General Townsend oversees IVAS from TRADOC has said at the outset that IVAS would walk then run. Try to accomplish some simple goals at the outset and layer them on over time. Sort of like the F-35 upgrading software on as-needed basis. IVAS is a Middle Tier 804 Acquisition program so "Fast Prototyping, Fast Fielding, 2-5 years.
Doggone it, Microsoft is going to dominate the Enterprise anyway why not buy the whole shooting match, then X-BOX whatever.

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