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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

On the DPA my worry in terms of notification of a positive determination is that they'll want to see the reconfigured DPD tools working before they commit the capital for expansion.

They must have procurement milestones like the broader DOD.  So delivery, set-up, testing, qualifying will all take time. JL says "You know Washington?" In the meantime we get to enjoy, those masochists among us, the beating we've taken on a daily basis as anybody with pocket change can move the share price down at will. IMO we will not hear anything about the 4k until that has been finalized. Chairman Sculley."We need Title III." It's summer doldrums, the share price is at historic lows and we are at the service of...Ta Dah! "Were from the government and we're here to help."
What was Biden's Motto? Gird your loins whatever that means.

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