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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Pa, you're jacked up on something, why don't you go through this and get back to us with some answers. "Given your background". Ooooh.

My mistake here's the Bill as Signed, Again if serving a Life Sentence see if you can find anything on DPA Funding, AFRL, or IBAS. Good Luck. Pulled these out as at least tangentially germane.It's in there somewhere unless it's AF Dark Money. If you find it it likely won't cite hard dollars. Cross Section 4201 only categorizes General Topics. Could be Soldier Systems, Weapons and Munitions etc. We've come a long way from "Grab your Flintlock and meet on Concord Green".

Sec. 224. Requiring defense microelectronics products and services meet trusted supply chain and operational security standards.

Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2020 for the use of the Department of Defense for research, development, test, and evaluation, as specified in the funding table in section 4201.
Subtitle BProgram Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

SEC. 224.
(a) PURCHASES.To protect the United States from intellectual property theft and to ensure national security and public safety in the application of new generations of wireless network technology and microelectronics, beginning no later than January 1, 2023, the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that each microelectronics product or service that the Department of Defense purchases on or after such date meets the applicable trusted supply chain and operational security standards established pursuant to subsection (b), except in a case in which the Department seeks to purchase a microelectronics product or service but (1) no such product or service is available for purchase that meets such standards; or (2) no such product or service is available for purchase that (A) meets such standards; and (B) is available at a price that the Secretary does not consider prohibitively expensive. (b) TRUSTED SUPPLY CHAIN AND OPERATIONAL SECURITY STAND-ARDS.

S. 179071
and appropriate, within the Secretarys authorized activities to maintain the health of the defense industrial base, to ensure that
(1) providers of microelectronics products and services that meet the standards established under subsection (b) are exposed to competitive market pressures to achieve competitive pricing and sustained innovation; and (2) the industrial base of microelectronics products and services that meet the standards established under subsection (b) includes providers manufacturing in the United States or in countries that are allies or partners of the United States.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Say I'm Poland and I just ordered 20 F-35s. I'll stipulate that I will receive the GEN III helmet update immediately upon availablity...(Primes can't wait to rid of the lousy Kopin displays)

eMagin CC November 9
Kevin Dede
Last question for me. Could you just review the F-35 time line, production time line, again? When -- I mean I understand you're shipping displays now, but clearly it's not full production.
Jeffrey Lucas
Yes, sure. I can talk to that a little bit. So we are continuing to provide them displays for what's called IOC, our initial operational capability stage, and we're anticipating that those shipments are going to continue into early next year. We are now actually working on the production readiness development mode, and so far, our work is actually progressing ahead of plan. And that's allowing actually for some scheduled compression, which the primes are quite pleased about. 

Ready when you are..AFRL leads defense production program to success in FY19

In recognition of the magnitude of challenges faced by the domestic defense industrial base, the Executive Agent issued a five-year, $5 billion DPA Title III Hybrid Funding Opportunity Announcement in July 2019. This demonstrated an innovative approach to reduce acquisition cycle times, provides the flexibility to effectively execute a broad portfolio of projects to tackle capital intensive, strategic domestic industrial base shortfalls, and provides a quick response to growing stakeholder requirements.


and you and your loyal flunky steve niren like this tweet...sad

You have zero credibility, this is a joke. your life is trying to prey on the ignorant

You know Derrick NVIS is a very small company will a limited product portfolio in a very small market. Happy I could put a Bow on your Holiday Pumping! Happy Pumpyday Derrick!

$KOPN Two Army programs mentioned by CEO should be progressing well. New job requirements in NVIS. See it for yourself! 2020 should be very good for Kopin investors.. doubters will keep doubting.. LOL

Employee Options


Sunday, December 22, 2019

eMagin displays in Moskito and JIM (maybe it's going to get hairy if Switzerland is arming up)


US Army's Wesley, Navy's Meier on Joint Multi-Domain Command & Control

If anybody is still up in the air about the Display for HUD 3.0 (IVAS) look at Sensor Module Requirements as to Resolution (Long Wave & Short Wave IR)

Frankenberry at Don's Blog at Investor Village.

Heads Up Display (HUD) 3.0 Industry Day 7 August 2018

Page 23

I believe all info should be accessible to all unless it involves violating a trust, inside info or sharing classified material. No secret handshakes.

I could see NVIS making a case to get an invite. There could be multiple contributors to the Armor Domain.

according to incorporation document the company was a Branch Company Foreign Owned. We know what's happening to them

About Branch Relationships

A branch company is an out-of-jurisdiction registration of a company (in the US it is often referred to as a 'Foreign Corporation')

yes Kopin Targeting in Scotts Valley was a Software Branch

and "Out of Business". "Permanently Closed" according to Google. That's a fun mystery.

Kopin Targeting, never heard of it. There's not much info about it. I see a lot of eMagin Hardware customers, many companies with STE interest. Kopin Targeting? Could be PAWS Tech although haven't heard of it since it's supposed rollout.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Zealer is back on Twitter. Trying some (not so new) material. Doing the "Cult of Personality" thing. We want 5 Rules!

Anybody in prison wants to go through the Bills, be my guest


Speaking of IVAS, MRA Digital who designs solely for eMagin OLEDS has a number of IVAS Vendors on their "Clients" page. Intevac, FLIR, Microsoft. Those are named IVAS Vendors.

Unnamed, I'm speculating but with a few facts to back it up. Elbit, Harris, eMagin, SA Photonics are there as well. This Google fragment was from August 2018. The Page on "IVAS Industry Day" was taken down but this was left. Harris, SA Photonics who designed AITT for the USMC. Not to mention, of course, that Chris Kubasik, L3/Harris CEO talked about it on their last CC. Very little doubt in my mind that the unknown vendors soon will be known vendors. There's a lot of program threads that pass through Malfunction Junction.

My working list of IVAS Vendors:

FLIR (Black Hornet)
SA Phtonics
L3/Harris (ENVG-B)
Elbit (ENVG-B & SNVG-B)
Maybe BANC3

All on MRA's Clients Page


only leaving a fragment of a google serc

Registration List for IVAS Industry Day 7-8 August 2018 - Amazon S3

78, 27, 51, SA Photonics, Mall, Ben, b.mall@saphotonics.com, (949) 485-0484, Yes. 79, 52, Browne, Michael. 80. 81, 28, 53, Harris corporation, Night Vision ...

Somebody erased the registrants list for IVAS Industry Day 

Our little volume spike preceded POTUS's signature. Signed with a couple of F-35s lurking in the background.

Friday, December 20, 2019

I'll give you a hint. 49 seconds in. This was four years ago. Of course this requires mentally peeling a few layers of onion. GL

Trump is signing the defense bill today

Anything interesting about this prototype? There's a lot but one dead giveaway...

They are moving fast on attendant technologies to IVAS as well

DAPS is the dismounted version of MAPs. It’s a unit carried by the soldier, likely on his or her back, that provides assured PNT to a smartphone, specifically a Samsung 3 cell phone. As with the mounted PNT system DAPS will provide PNT as needed and will be designed to stay operational in contested, degraded and denied environments. The focus now is on integrating DAPS into Nett Warrior, a soldier ensemble with an end user device.
“DAPS will be extensible to other systems,” Kioutas said, “We just haven’t identified what those are. Probably it’ll be HUD 3.0. (Heads Up Display) or the IVAS (Integrated Visual Augmentation System).”
The DAPS program currently has three vendors set to deliver their prototypes in December. A decision is likely in March as to which one of the three will be selected to continue to work on a Gen 1 version of DAPS.


I was looking for the funding for Program Expansion in the NDAA and I see the Army received 1/3 of the request. They determined they only "needed" the designated funding. Could be that there is a benign reason for this as the OTA from 2017 in the link suggests. That the Program is moving much faster than we know. General Gervais says as much in the Video below,

NIGHT VISION DEVICES 236,604 (request)
81 ,526 (Bill)
IVAS early to need -76,225
ENVG-8 program of record unit cost growth -17,509 Program increase - digital night vision test devices 3,000
ENVG-B ONS excess to need -64,344

The Government intends to award one (1) OTA, procuring approximately two thousand five hundred & fifty (2,550) IVAS prototypes (to include hardware, software, and the associated interface control documentation) in four (4) increments or "capability sets".

This competitively awarded prototype project will provide for the acquisition of follow-on production systems upon successful completion of the project, without further competition, as authorized by statute. The Government anticipates the selection of one (1) Offeror for award of a single contract or agreement for follow-on production of IVAS.


VIDEO: Military and Industry Advance Training and Readiness Through Coll...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

More of same

Our new order could have been for these...

More Marsoc, Targeting System mentioned in previous post. Sure these will integrate with Squad Night Vision-B another "eMagin Inside" program...Elbit's locked-in on the USMC

Bueno, you can boil it down to SWAP and Ruggedness always been the case. "Essentially all" includes Kopin phase out in Programs of Record so soon "all". Page 2 describes the smaller, lighter targeting system Elbit just announced The one Raanan mentioned at AUSA

Another POR and the reason JETS saw it's budget cut. I see IVAS there and I have no doubt the Glasses will be fielded someday but they sure were not in the Budget. Could be in the dark or the always handy OTAs which the Army has pretty much made their personal Piggybank. Good to see "essentially all" in an Official Document. That's 95% now and 100% in the future. Good stuff in there. Thank you Mr. Long


Weapons. Some funding will go towards integration of more robust and less power micro Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays (OLEDs) that are used on essentially all Soldier Sensors and Lasers programs.


bkpsu: a drop-in who knows stuff, impressive

just a suggestion, connect<>eMagin<>Eric Braddom<> BOD Member<>SRI International<>IVAS

The replacement would look like this suppose in a smaller package


Heard about a new Optic replacement for ACOG for Rifleman, that provided an AR overlay so I assume eMagin. It's in the Portfolio but couldn't find it in the budget. eMagin OEM Trijicon would supply. Anyway in doing so I came across this

Banc3 prism for , are you sitting down Derrick?, Optical See-Through. Also whatever happened to PAWS?

Free-form Prism Eye Piece

BANC3 developed the Free-form Prism Eye Piece by using innovative design principles to design and manufacture a new breed of free-form prisms for optical-see-through HMD. The prism is designed to work with the newest high-resolution color AMOLED micro-displays to advance the current state of the art in optical-see-through HMDs.

Lest we forget...

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The problem with LBS is that it is delicate. It cannot arrive out of alignment, it has to be able to survive the roughest handling it would encounter in a combat zone, it has to be integrated into systems that have different tolerances and specifications l.e. FWS, it has to have Thermal, Digital NV and work in any and all lighting environments and on and on. Stick with the Enterprise and Consumer where these criteria aren't and a matter of Life and Death. He's right a Laser that's jacked up in High Brightness conditions is a danger to the user.

And tell Mr. Porter that the funding is in flux and at least wait till those chicks hatch. IF they do. He's hard-headed, I'll give em that.

yes which means it was never intended to be used in the field but that is a moot point for now...

It's a grumpy day in Mr. Rogers Neighborhood...

told ya not having Mac Thornberry as Chairman of Armed Services would bite us in the ass

But there's little doubt this Program is a candidate for an OTA

The Mark-Up in May determined IVAS had insufficient justification. So until we here of alternate funding we can all calm down about that stuff.

No Booms to be had Mr. Porter.

Warren Zevon - Lawyers, Guns and Money



what does SRI Ventures do all day?


Eric Braddom looks to have a new assignment at SRI. From the nice think tank that gave the world SIRI. What does a VP of Product Line Management Imaging do?


Is this Derrick or Jared? I'll guess Jared. They're losing it. Hedge Funds Managers with Millions in Assets...yuh

$MVIS All our knowledge is from other people ; What is that we know on our own to feel arrogant? We owe gratitude to all from whom we're learning!! Hate to say this .. but few really behaving very arrogant and soul less $KOPN

Please note that one of the first issues Ranaan discusses is Hand-Held Targeting, the Connection between Elbit US to Elbit Systems in Israel, Multi-Domain and OTAs, This a wealth of info if you familiarize yourself with the concepts.

Suck it up Derrick, don't lose your mojo, think of your followers, both of them, they love these stories "Once Upon a Time in the Kingdom of Massachusetts there lived the King of Microscreens and His Court Jester Zeelero...

Urban Warfare. Know few are interested but this is next. The conflicts will be in cities in the dark. Distilled, no more Fallujahs, Israelis way out in front in terms of technology (optics and networks) and preparation. Think about it.


These look like Oakleys to me. Like the idea of a strengthening a partnership with these guys.

Look at the soldier's right eye not the left. Oakley-like as pictured in link below.

Elbit Systems of America to Develop Next Generation Hand-Held Targeting System.

perhaps this smaller, much smaller Target Designator could explain the cuts in JETS. More eyes, less weight, perfect for a agile force like the Marines. Miniature JTAC. Here's a tip. Any near-eye-display made in New Hampshire uses a eMagin display.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

ENVG-B is gearing up...


Square peg round hole becoming JCs version of 5 Rules

Monday Invited Industry Talks and Panels

8:30 AMBernard Kress
Microsoft HoloLens
Opening address
8:50 AMJerry Carollo
Square Pegs Round Holes
9:10 AM

good stuff at the next SPIE


"Military, Commercial" has to mean Elbit. Commercial is intriguing. Aviation, Skylens, certainly and I'll throw in Everysight as a possibility. IMO SmartEye will be a ruggedized, militarized Everysight and Everysight can be everyday AR Glasses Beta Tested by Chouffe and other bicyclists.

Too Buck Rogers for Congress. Man, hope they don't axe it in it's entirety .They are pretty far down the road on this. Slow it down, find other funding sources. Could be "blackmailing" Microsoft to do some hybrid funding.

Night Court was tough on them. There were hints.


One more thing Derrick, there's NOTHING in the budget for you

ok mystery partner. I say Elbit, military and commercial


Harris or Elbit I guess, now that the dough is freed up

don't know what this is but really gotta go this time

Training the Trainers

Maybe there's an OTA out there with IVAS's name on it. There is that "Dark" Air Force budget possibilty

Final Budget, ENVG-B & FWS-I same appropriation so they match, those established eMagin programs got off the best, that's why the Generals were lobbying the Senate so hard on IVAS a couple of weeks ago.

Any super-sleuth wanna look for DPA they are welcome, gotta go

Looks like Congress took a scalpel to the Army's request for Night Vision Devices, page 56-I, IVAS, ENVG-B (3k devices funded), JETS, FWS-Crew & Sniper Contracts Delayed, Gervais could not convince, IVAS took the biggest hit


Obviously the new helmet is destined for all F-35's not just the Navy's. We have eMagin's statement and the knowledge the that all the F-35s have to have a readable display below and above the canopy of clouds.

State-of-the-Art: Looks like the F-35 A or Conventional Take-off have the new helmet (sale of 32 airframes to Poland)

3. The F-35 Helmet Mounted Display System (HMDS) is SECRET and contains technology representing the latest state-of-the-art in several areas. Information on performance and inherent vulnerabilities is SECRET. Software (object code) is SECRET. Sensitive elements include: HMDS consists of the Display Management Computer-Helmet, a helmet shell/display module, a quick disconnect integrated as part of the ejection seat, helmet trackers and tracker processing, day- and night-vision camera functions, and dedicated system/graphics processing. The HMDS provides a fully sunlight readable, bi ocular display presentation of aircraft information projected onto the pilot's helmet visor. The use of a night vision camera integrated into the helmet eliminates the need for separate Night Vision Goggles (NVG). The camera video is integrated with EO and IR imaging inputs and displayed on the pilot's visor to provide a comprehensive night operational capability.


Executive Summary NDAA 2020: Like #3 the best

Requires the Secretary of Defense to enhance the assessment and mitigation of risks related to foreign ownership, control, or influence within the defense industrial base.

Highlights the importance of establishing secure fifth-generation (5G) wireless network technologies for the warfighter and provides funding to start this effort at two Air Force locations 

Sets forth a new strategy for securing a trusted supply chain of advanced microelectronics for the United States and U.S. allies and partners.


Dunno, things are getting a little dicey in China. Maybe not a good idea to rely on them for knives, forks, 5G, semiconductors, Baby Yodas...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019

Did ANYBODY listen to General Pott's Presentation on IVAS wherein he mentions OLED twice? Guess not. Keep up the good work.

Notice Derrick switches to "we". He is a Kopin employee...

I think you've isolated the problem Mr. Growth

Food for thought.. eMagin Needs Direct Patterned OLED Microdisplays for AR (Evan Donoghue, Apple Optical Engineer, formerly eMagin)


Apple Engineers Advance Near-Eye Displays for Smartglasses and HMD using Holographic Optical Elements and more


Deep Dive Here into Realpolitik with Professor Zoolander

Any time the F-35 Tech is mentioned in any connection I'll assume it's emagin OLED. The EVR 30 which precede the 50 was a Kopin nHD LCD.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

don't be this guy, leave the drunk posting to Zoellor

I may have had a few beers and made up a story, lol. You guys caught me hella quick. 😜

so the lobbying was directed at Sherrod Brown, good job Ms White

AFRL Funding
The bill would authorize more than $1.359 billion for research and development programs run out of the Air Force Research Lab’s (AFRL) Materials, Human Effectiveness, Propulsion, Aerospace Systems, Sensors and Manufacturing Directorates at Wright-Patt. This funding is critical to addressing emerging threats and strategic challenges that our men and women in uniform face. 

Brown Secures Dayton & Wright-Patterson Priorities in Key Defense Bill

DPA Increased Funding
The Manufacturing Technology Division of Wright-Patterson’s Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) helps run a key defense manufacturing program, which is housed at Wright-Patt, that allows the federal government to support defense-related manufacturing when domestic capabilities aren’t able to meet national security needs. The program was created under the Defense Production Act (DPA), and supports Ohio jobs and brings investments to the region through contracts awarded to the program. The DPA is overseen by the Senate Banking Committee, on which Brown sits as Ranking Member.
Anticipating a major increase in the need for leading edge industrial base technology projects in the next several years, identified by Pentagon planners, Brown led the effort with Sen. Crapo (R-ID), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, to increase authorized funding under the DPA from $133 million annually to $250 million annually for the next four years. This authorization will provide an additional $117 million annually over the next five years and will help the DOD address risks to the manufacturing and defense industrial base. This funding will be used for projects across the country and will help support jobs at Wright-Patt.

I for one wouldn't mind seeing ziller Fargoed

Oh yeah, should have listened to the whole FWS-I segment of General Pott's talk. MARSOC guy told me a year ago that they were testing Stingers with a new display (OLED) so it too is for combined capability with FWS, very cool, that's some serious soldier lethality

good grief, they shut down all the buildings (a suite) in Bellevue, we got a new dumbest poster on stocktwits



Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Good stuff around a half hour, ENVG-B & FWS-I (eMagin Inside both) ) & importance of combined capabilities

This is Innovative Fed Strategies latest lobbying effort: House Version 2968 and Senate 2474, so one down the House, Senate will let it sail through then to WH for Review, Signature by Da Trump and it's passed.




  • H.R.2968 / S.2474, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2020, Title IV, all provisions related to advanced military displays; and Defense Production Act; Title III, all provisions relating to advanced military displays.
  • Defense Production Act: Title I; all provisions related to advanced military displays.
Duration:  to 

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